Vision affects the quality of life we experience. It is estimated that 1 in 6 individuals may experience a sight-threatening visual condition, and may experience some type of vision loss with age.1
Aging is associated with a number of causes of vision loss namely, cataracts, Macular degeneration, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy.
There are habits that we can adopt to lower our risk of developing these conditions.1
A Healthy diet can contribute not only to your overall wellness but to the health of your eyes as well. A diet including dark leafy greens have been proven to contribute towards healthy eyes. This is because they contain carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, these are derivatives of vitamin A, and have been shown to lower the risks of conditions such as age-related macular degeneration. Avoiding smoking also reduces the risk of these conditions.2
Your overall health plays a role in the health of your eyes as well, chronic conditions such as diabetes and hypertension are linked to ocular conditions such as diabetic retinopathy and vascular occlusions, which are sight threatening. So regular check-ups with your physician are important, as early detection and treatment helps.3
Pay attention to changes in your vision. If you notice a change, book an eye examination. It may be a change in your prescription, or maybe an early sign of an ocular condition. Symptoms such as flashing lights, red eyes, swelling or pain, are symptoms that should not be ignored, and warrant an eye examination.1
Adequate protection from UV light is also important. Exposure to UV light has been shown to increase your risk of cataract development. Wearing sunglasses or photochromic lenses protect the eye from the harmful UV rays.4
Finally, regular eye examinations are important! Early detection is key when it comes to sight threatening conditions.
These are a few, easy to implement tips to help keep your eyes in the best of health.
1. Tips for a Lifetime of Healthy Eyesight [Internet]. VisionSource. 2022 [cited 3 February 2022]. Available from:
2. 10 Foods That Are Good for Your Eyes [Internet]. WebMD. 2020 [cited 3 February 2022]. Available from:,diseases%2C%20including%20AMD%20and%20cataracts.
3. Knott D. The Eye in Systemic Disease (Diabetes, MS, AIDS, Down’s Syndrome) [Internet]. 2021 [cited 3 February 2022]. Available from:
4. Heiting G. The Dangers Of UV Radiation To Your Eyes [Internet]. All About Vision. [cited 3 February 2022]. Available from:,rays%20can%20penetrate%20cloud%20cover.